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Server Info - Sapphire

Information About
Datacenter's (Vinthill - USA)
World configuration:

Full 7.4 official realmap server + exclusive extensions by SapphireOLD

Worldtype: Old PVP (classic)
Game engine: Running on custom, with exclusive TFS
AOL and blessings: Old blessing system through (eremo sells aol and blessings in npc)
Redskull: Daily = 5 / weekly = 25 / monthly = 80
Buy house: To buy a house you need a premium account and gold coins. You have to be at least level 1 to purchase a house and put the money on dp
You can create guilds (premium)
You can buy houses (premium)
You can travel through boats (premium)
Character promotions (premium)
Shared experience in party, better exp with x4 vocs (!share)
New areas
New hunts (vega and senja islands)
New quests
News at rook (exclusive spike sword quest)
New houses rook (only main weekly cash payment on depot)
New outfits
New items
War system
Tasks (full balanced)
Exp analyzer
Full old sprites
Old raids - citys
Bank system
Desert quest (with x4 vocs and all items)
News at anihi (with x4 vocs and level 100+)
News at poi
Arena in folda (3 steps with exclusive news at quest)
All old features
Ssa drops from warlocks and hydras only
Instant buy bp runes, fluids and life rings (say hi first)
You can buy life rings with reduction 20% price (djinns)
Buy brown mushrooms - citys npcs
Trainer with monsters online (monks/slimes/trolls/others)
Beds balanced regen system in houses (premium)
Rashid position - mon and tue = ank / wed = darashia / thue = ph / fri = thais / sat = edron / sund = carlin

Exp, skills, magic, ammos, runes and regen = 2x

Loot and drop gold = 1x

Spawns = 3x

Old game features
No PZ on boats and carpets
Burst arrows based on magic and level
UE/GFB division (5% reduction dmg/player, max:50%)
No hotkeys runes (only spells)
Runas sao feitas e adquiridas apenas por players
Strong knights with uh, versatile paladins, mages assertivos with runes/magics/burst arrows
Druids - mas pox = reduced damage (based on mas vis) with continuous poison


Authentic gameplay
100% push system
100% aim system
100% angle system
100% paralyze system
Improved walk system (WASD)
Amazing atmosphere which replicates golden and exclusive days


Status: Online
Players:  0
Version:  7.4

EXP 90%
Loot: 48%