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Accessory Downloads - Sapphire

Accessory Downloads


WTFAST is a program offering a free-trial. By prioritizing game-connection, smoothing out performance, and suppressing bandwith interference it greatly enhances the connection for the specific video game of your choice. No matter where you're connecting from you will always gain a great improvement in your game-connection

Download Leatrix

Latency Fix will greatly increase your game-speed. Not only for Oldera but for all games. It prioritzes game-bandwith over non-game bandwith. And at the same time it will not slow down you're other uses of Internet.

Steps to Use:

•  Download Latency Fix.

•  Unpack the .zip file on your desktop or anywhere you wish.

•  Enter the folder and right-click on Leatrix_Latency_Fix_3.03.exe and chose run as admin.

•  Click on the button Install.

•  Restart your computer.

•  Done.

Status: Online
Players:  0
Version:  7.4

EXP 90%
Loot: 48%